Shoe Sizes Explained – D Vs E Widths | Understanding Wide Shoes

Have you ever gone shoe shopping and found it impossible to find a pair that fits comfortably? You try on pair after pair, unable to zip up boots or cramped in tight dress shoes. The problem likely isn’t your feet – it’s that you need wide width shoes.

Many people need wider shoes than the industry standard “medium” width. However, wide width sizing can be confusing to navigate. Terms like “E width” and “2E” don’t mean much if you don’t know how to read them. Let’s break down wide shoe sizing to help you find footwear that finally fits.

The Importance of Properly Fitting Shoes

Before we dive into widths and sizes, let’s discuss why proper shoe fit matters. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to a number of foot issues over time:

– Blisters and bunions from tight, narrow shoes rubbing against feet
– Loss of toenails from too much pressure against the ends of toes
– Corns, calluses, and other skin irritations
– Ingrown toenails when the sides of shoes press into toes
– Discomfort, pain, and difficulty walking

The problems above are signs it’s time to go wider with your shoes. A proper fit should feel secure but roomy in the toe box. Your feet should not hang off the edges of shoe soles either.

Let’s see how sizing factors into finding that ideal fit.

Understanding Shoe Widths

Shoe sizes consist of two measurements: the length and width. Most people only focus on length or the number size. However, width is just as crucial for full comfort.

Shoe width uses a letter scale ranging from AAA (most narrow) to EEE (widest). The standard “medium” size is D width for men and B width for women. If the width letter isn’t listed on a shoe’s sizing, you can safely assume it’s the medium default.

Here’s a quick guide to judging if you need wide width shoes:

– Your feet spill off the outer sides of standard width shoes
– Laces strain dramatically against shoe uppers when tied
– Shoes consistently leave red marks on your feet’s sides
– Standard widths pinch nerves or cramp your toes

If any describe your experience, it’s time to size up in width.

What’s the Difference Between D and E Width Shoes?

To help visualize the increments between widths, think of the letter scale as a spectrum. Standard D for men and B for women sits in the middle. As you go up through E, EE, and EEE, the shoes grow progressively wider.

More specifically:

– E width is the first size up from standard medium
– It adds roughly 3/16-inches more space than a D
– E fits feet at least slightly wider than average
– It may be labeled as just E, EW (wide), or 2E to distinguish from EE

So E width provides a nice compromise between mainstream and extra wide shoes. The slightly rounded toe area allows natural toesplay without uncomfortable pinching. Brands like New Balance and Hoka One One offer many of their shoe styles in E and other wide widths.

Why Size Up Sooner Than Later

Have you noticed a pair of well-worn shoes visibly stretched out with a collapsed, wavy exterior? This damage comes from feet forcing leather and materials to expand. Don’t wait for this much tension before sizing up in width.

As we age, our feet tend to spread naturally wider too. A shoe size that fit well a decade ago may not match your foot shape now.

Rather than painfully break shoes in or buy narrow sizes hoping they’ll stretch, start your search in widths that already match your feet. Protect your foot health and comfort by eliminating unwanted pressure right from the first wear.

Tips for Finding Wide Width Shoes

Now that you know your proper sizing, where do you track down these unicorns of roomy, toe-friendly shoes? Check out these tips for finding fashionable shoes in widths from standard to ultra-wide:

– Department stores often have wider options than boutiques. Check their websites to filter for available widths.
– Some brands run wider as their default before sizing up. Try New Balance, Saucony, or Brooks.
– Look for footwear marketed as “wide width” or with WW in the style name.
– Don’t neglect comfort brands like Vionic and Orthofeet for extra widths.
– Shoe manufacturer sites let you filter for width, unlike Amazon or Zappos.
– Brick and mortar stores may offer widths not listed on their websites too.

It can take some determined hunting, but shoes in widths E, EE, and beyond are available. Once you land that Goldilocks pair embracing your feet perfectly, you’ll understand why finding the right fit was so important.

Say Goodbye to Squished Toes

Have you resigned yourself to a life of cramped, narrow shoes? After reading this guide to sizing, you now hold the knowledge needed to uncover shoes suiting your wider feet. Whether you need an E width or go up a few levels to EE, extra room awaits your toes.

Understand terms like D vs E widths, judge if you should size up, and utilize tips to unlock comfortable kicks. Your feet will rejoice at their newfound freedom. No more jutting off sole edges or lace indentations!

Not sure where to start your wide width quest? Check out my top picks suited for wider feet here. Happy (and pain-free) shoe hunting!

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